DLT Consent Template: What It Is and How It Works

What is a DLT Consent Template?

A DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) Consent Template is a predefined template used to obtain and manage recipient consent for receiving specific types of SMS communications. This template ensures that businesses comply with TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) regulations by obtaining explicit consent from recipients before sending promotional or service explicit messages.

How Does a DLT Consent Template Work?

The DLT Consent Template works as follows:

  1. Creation and Registration:

    • Businesses create a consent template that outlines the nature of messages the recipient will receive and how their consent will be utilized.
    • This template is then registered and approved on a DLT platform.
  2. Obtaining Consent:

    • The consent template is used to obtain explicit consent from recipients. This can be done via various channels such as SMS, websites, or physical forms.
    • Recipients are informed about the type of messages they will receive and must provide their explicit consent to receive these messages.
  3. Storing Consent:

    • Once consent is obtained, it is recorded and stored securely on the DLT platform. The consent includes details such as the recipient's mobile number, the date and time consent was given, and the specific type of messages consented to.
  4. Using Consent:

    • When sending SMS messages, the business uses the stored consent data to ensure that only recipients who have given explicit consent receive the messages.
    • The DLT platform checks the consent before allowing the message to be sent, ensuring compliance with regulations.

Steps to Create and Use a DLT Consent Template

  1. Login to the DLT Platform:

    • Go to the DLT registration portal and log in with your credentials.
  2. Navigate to Consent Template Section:

    • On the entity portal, click on the "Consent Template" option.
  3. Add New Consent Template:

    • Click on the "Add Consent Template" button.
    • Fill in the required details such as:
      • Template Name: A name to identify the consent template.
      • Content Category: The category of content for which consent is being sought (e.g., promotional, service explicit).
      • Template Content: The actual content that will be used to obtain consent from the recipient. This should clearly explain what the recipient is consenting to and how their consent will be used.
  4. Submit for Approval:

    • Review the entered details and submit the consent template for approval.
    • The telecom operator will review the template and, once approved, it will be available for use.
  5. Obtaining Consent:

    • Use the approved consent template to reach out to recipients via various channels (SMS, email, websites, physical forms).
    • Collect and store the recipient's consent as per the template.
  6. Using Stored Consent:

    • When sending messages, ensure that you filter recipients based on the stored consent.
    • Use the DLT platform to validate that consent has been obtained before sending the message.

Do's and Don'ts for Consent Templates


  • Ensure the consent template clearly explains the type of messages the recipient will receive.
  • Obtain explicit and informed consent from recipients.
  • Store consent securely and in compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Regularly update consent records to reflect changes or withdrawals of consent.


  • Do not send messages to recipients who have not given explicit consent.
  • Avoid vague or misleading language in the consent template.
  • Do not misuse or mishandle consent data.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What is the purpose of a consent template? The purpose is to obtain explicit consent from recipients for receiving specific types of messages, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

  2. Can I use the same consent template for different types of messages? No, you should create specific consent templates for different types of messages to ensure clarity and compliance.

  3. How long is the consent valid? Consent is valid until the recipient withdraws it. Businesses should provide an easy way for recipients to withdraw their consent.

  4. What happens if I send messages without consent? Sending messages without consent can lead to penalties and blacklisting of headers or templates by telecom operators.

  5. How can recipients withdraw their consent? Recipients should be provided with a clear and easy way to withdraw their consent, such as through an opt-out link or SMS keyword.